OK here is an area of copy right and Trademark that I'm still fuzzy on.
1. this is a TRADEMARKED BY DISNEY Corporation Character from the Movie Bambie.
2.My Daughter Drew this
Freehand from memory it is not exact but it is Close enough.
3.There will be No Legal Claim by either LenaRee or myself to this image belonging to us!
As far as we are concerned Disney Has The BEST Animation Team in the business ! Anyone who would try to lay claim to A Disney Image is Foolish!
4.Disney Terms of Use for their Trademarked Images and Character's Should be followed!
DO NOT SELL THIS Because weather or not We personally have a claim on it You should remember Who does DISNEY and since they as a Corporation stand for Family Values and are a lasting symbol of all Walt Dreamed Possible for our Children Please Respect them for it.
One Final Note I am posting this here because Let's face it Blog's are today's refrigerator's and I am Proud of my Daughter so I am posting her Art on my Refrigerator and if you ask me as a parent what's wrong with kids today? I'd say the world's Children don't have enough "Refrigerator" Art.
Remember when You brought home something from school and your Mom or Grand mom or Dad would hang it with a magnet to the refrigerator? Remember being happy and proud of yourself for "Making it on the fridge ?" Our Kids need that feeling too. To me there is something wrong if a house isn't a little bit cluttered or a fridge has no magnet's holding up the art of a kid on it. That's not a Home in my book! And therefore no place I'd feel welcome.
Again just My opinion. LOL