
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Moving Day tomorrow

Hey Folks I will be MIA for a bit I am going Greyhound back to WY to try to get my surgery, wish me luck!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Murrow on Freedom of Speech

so here's an assignment

I want any and or all of you who come across this to view at least the speech by Edward R Murrow in 1958 and leave a comment or better yet write an essay on the subject MUST BE YOUR VIEW you think he was right? do you think he was wrong? do you believe we as a country are insulated? Do you think we can turn it around? do you think we are lost? do you think feel believe anything at all?

I want to hear it . I can not be the only person who has an opinion on this or anything else for that matter.
Gosh dang it get mad at me i don't care just ...dang it have brain's enough to FORM an opinion.

Complete Murrow Speech From Good Night, and Good Luck

Thursday, June 17, 2010

new freebies on my other blog

here is the link

and I will be MIA a bit longer I am currently homeless and will be hitch hiking back to WY where some people I know are going to help me get the surgery I need to be able to return to work. so wish me luck it's a long way from WI to WY but with no income and no vehicle I have to hitch.

Thanks for liking my creations

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sorry Folks I've been MIA for too long

Unfortunately it may be a bit between post's as I now have no electricity and no place to live.
I have been unable to work for 3 years, I need surgery to literally save my life.
I have no insurance, have never had insurance, no car, no phone, now no home.
oh, well.
they say if you can't change it you have to hope you survive it. so I'm numb. I just can't think about it all any more.
I'll try to get a few things done and uploaded since I'm at a friends house right now.
I have no idea where I'll go from here.
I Hope you all are doing Good I know the economy sucks and unfortunately it will not be fixed over night either. so folks hang in there and be happy for the little things in life .
